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This Month's Featured Authors: Dr Suzanne Skiffington and Perry Zeus

Amazon.com ranks Zeus and Skiffington's three books as the #1 best sellers in their field.

Zeus and Skiffington are two of the world¹s foremost authorities on coaching in the workplace. 

For the last decade, Zeus and Skiffington's Behavioral Coaching Institute have trained and certified
      over 1,500 coaches around the world how to achieve positive, measurable, lasting behavioral change
      and learning acquisition for their clients.

 - Coaching Books for executive coaching, business coaching, corporate coaching, life and personal coaching


- The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work"The authors are the most respected coaching educators in the business world today" - Amazon.com (Readers Rating -Coaching Books)

"This best-selling coaching book introduces step-by-step: the elements and nature of coaching, coaching in the workplace, areas of application and the competencies of successful coaches."  (see below page for full details)  

-Now also available in Chinese and Spanish (see below)  

- The Coaching at Work Toolkit  "Five Star Rating" - Amazon.com

"For aspiring, novice and experienced coaches alike. This vital companion coaching resource book to the above title is a priceless toolkit of validated coaching tools and psychology-based techniques, theories, tools and practices that affect learning and change." ICF Coaching Books Review

- Behavioral Coaching - How to Build Sustainable Personal and Organizational Strength
."This ground-breaking new text introduces for the first time a comprehensive scientific model of coaching practice to achieve genuine, sustainable, measurable change and learning acquisition." -HR Today
... released by McGraw-Hill Professional (New York, London, Sydney)  Check below for reviews and availability/where to order...

  "While Zeus and Skiffington address a wide range of coaching principles and methodologies
in their best-selling, introductory level text books, their Business Coaching -Master Coach Course is
       the only educational program available worldwide that teaches the individual in a "real-time",
       1-to-1 personalized format... The unique course is customized to fit the participant's specific learning
       needs. Each person is shown the practical application of the requisite advanced coaching tools and
       practice management processes and protocols in a comprehensive, hands-on, step-by-step format."
        -HR Today

       "Zeus and Skiffington's coaching books have become industry standard materials throughout the global
          coaching community and make valuable reference resources for any coaching program. This book
          is the first text that provides practical steps in applying the model of coaching... while their elite
          courses show you how to select and master the appropriate methodology, tools and processes for
          your practice."
Dr. H. Blundall - ICM Global Training Director.



- awarded the:
- as selected by the Institute of Management. 

.(See below page for ordering details )
ISBN: 0074708422




Some Reviews:

"... the most comprehensive coaching book yet authored on the contemporary involvement of coaches in the business and executive development world."  Dr. Rey Carr - Peer Coaching Resources - Canada.

"...awesome - it's the best coaching book on the market."  Dr. Freda Turner -University of Phoenix  

"One of the best books on coaching. Highly recommended."  Editor - Stern's Management Review

"Possibly the most comprehensive organizational coaching reference on the market today, The complete guide to coaching at work is aptly named. Content 8/10 Readability 9/10."  The HR Insider

"The authors, international coaching experts, go into the discipline's history and basic principles before advising on how business and executive coaching can be used to change or develop organizations. There's advice on choosing the right coach, and how accomplished professionals can become external coaches and how managers can become internal coaches, techniques to ensure coaching is effective and dozens of case studies on how it has worked in practice. This book will be of most use to people working in the Human Services field or to managers, team leaders, trainers, consultants or practitioners who have a coaching brief.."

Peer Coaching Network  - Dr. R. Carr 
"..This business and executive coaching book, written in non-academic prose and strewn with practical examples, is the most comprehensive book yet authored on the contemporary involvement of coaches in the business and executive development world. The book can serve as both a reference text for experienced coaches and a "how-to" book for coaches seeking instruction. "  



Publisher: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

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- Now available in Chinese ('The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work')
  click here to order online via:
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- Now available in Spanish ('The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work')
  click here to order online via:
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The Coaching at Work Toolkit: A Complete Guide to Techniques and Practices

ISBN: 0074711032

Latest Review:
"Key Features: this business and coaching book brings together a complete listing of the major skills and techniques for coaches, and how to employ them. The Coaching at Work Toolkit provides assessment instruments, process forms and examines the management practices of coaching. The book also details the changing nature and evolution of coaching, such as the increasing importance of specialisation. To date, most available coaching books detail the standard practice of goal setting and actioning and some coach interventions but they do not offer too many actual techniques that facilitate the desired change. These invaluable techniques are outlined and discussed, and then presented alongside case studies and exercises. The toolkit is a professional, yet easy-to-understand reference book and includes a complete glossary. Both authors have extensive global coaching experience." -DA Coaching Information Services

 Special Readers Offer: - Place your order now via Amazon.com and receive a 25% SAVING OFF the
     retail price

"For the past ten years the authors, first as practitioners and then as educators, have worked closely with colleagues across the globe to develop coaching techniques that produce positive, measurable lasting change

The employment of life skills coaching, executive coaching and business coaching is being heralded as the way to create organizations of the future. Anyone interested in achieving their best and staying ahead of the competition should read this book. Through the use of case studies, practical instructions and application guidelines, the authors have provided models, principles and techniques that enable professional coaches to achieve breakthrough results.

This book builds upon the success of the authors' first general coaching reference 'The Complete Guide to Coaching at Work' (see above page) -which focuses on the nature of coaching, coaching in the workplace, areas of application, coaching frameworks and the competencies of successful coaches." 

  'The Coaching at Work Toolkit' -Click on Buy to go to books page 


 Australia/Asia :- click on: Dymock's.










- Now available in Chinese ('The Coaching at Work Toolkit')
  click here to order online via:
phei.com -Chinese Publisher -in Beijing.
  For Trade Sales -email: sales-CW@phei.com.cn

  Trade Sales - US enquiries can be directed to McGraw-Hill Professional, New York -  Special Sales Division, Jennifer Nier. Tel: (212) 904-5437. Email: jennifer_nier@mcgraw-hill.com
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Behavioral Coaching: How to build sustainable personal and organizational strength
ISBN: 007471

"In every field of human endeavor in which performance is key, coaching is integral to helping shift an individual's mindset, approaches, and behaviors to ensure more effective action and greater business success. It's all about company and employee strengthening and growth. 

In their new groundbreaking text book, Zeus and Skiffington provide us, in clear detail, the critical key methodology and thinking ...that all persons working to achieve sustainable personal, professional and organizational strength and growth can now readily employ for success. -Your Strengths are the Paths to Excellence. National Aeronautics and Space Administration -Report.  -E. Saxinger (NASA Work/Life Program Manager)

Latest Review:
"..many professional coaches have moved away from reliance on the often simplistic and mechanical proprietary coaching systems taught in many commercial coach training schools and are seeking to work with theoretically grounded and empirically validated approaches. In this context Skiffington and Zeus’s third book is a welcome and timely text.

A detailed and well-crafted exposition of the behavioural science of executive, workplace and personal coaching, it is technical enough to satisfy the psychologists and theorists but is accessible to those without a background in the behavioural sciences. It presents an integrated model of evidence-based coaching which explicitly draws on adult learning principles, psychology and philosophy ....this coaching book marks a new stage in the maturation of the coaching industry and makes a significant contribution to establishing coaching as a well-grounded cross-disciplinary means of facilitating human and organisational change. A must-have for coaches and Human Resource professionals." 
Dr Anthony Grant (Director of CPU, School of Psychology, University of Sydney). A.F.Review
Written by leading authors, Dr Suzanne Skiffington and Perry Zeus, this long-awaited  coaching book is a step-by-step guide to understanding the importance of using a standardized, validated, scientific model of coaching practice. Accessibly written, the book contains a detailed blueprint and case examples, making Behavioral Coaching readily available to all persons engaged in individual, group and organizational change and development.
The book also examines all the stages and forms of the coaching process. Drawing from the behavioural, social sciences, management and leadership fields, the authors present the material in a non-technical way so that readers with little expertise in behavioral change can quickly recognize the building blocks needed to implement sustainable, measurable change and learning initiatives.

  'Behavioral Coaching' -Click on Buy to go to books page or Publisher's Site to order




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Content:  Coaching Books for executive coaching, business coaching book, organizational coaching study, corporate coaching, life and personal coaching, coaching articles, business coaching, executive coaching, book, coaching in business, management coaching book, executive coaching books, business coaching books, corporate coaching books, business coaching study, coaching articles, coaching book, executive coaching study,